Member-only story
So You Don’t Need To Market?…Okay
If you’re an entrepreneur who quite often says “All this business came from reaching out to my network or them reaching out to me — No marketing at all”….um, let’s talk.
Two things:
#1 When you only work within the limits of your network, you do yourself a disservice by limiting the growth of your business AND your income.
#2 Marketing creates a pipeline of business — yes, future business. Marketing “primes” the sale. Without those two components — marketing and sales — a business eventually dries up and dies.
Marketing is not optional for an entrepreneur, it’s a REQUIREMENT.
Don’t get comfortable and rest on your laurels or personal relationships to feed you/your family for a lifetime. I would advise against that IN BUSINESS.
You see, in business, good things come to an end all the time. And the “end” doesn’t always mean the business totally shuts down, but perhaps a shift in the customers you serve, a pivot to a new market or industry, lower revenues, and leaner times in comparison to before.
Have you heard of a company called Kodak?
How about GE (General Electric)?